Meditation Mantra How to Surpass Your Full Potential
What is your true full potential? Is it to be a good parent eventually? President of a Nation? Discover a new scientific truth? Medical breakthrough?
Whatever you may think your full potential is, someone has shown you that you can achieve greater. Take the four-minute mile. Before 1954, it seemed to be a physical barrier that humans could not cross. It was impossible. Then Roger Bannister broke this. And when the mental barrier was finally broken, countless others followed suit.
It's getting late here and the day is full so I will simply leave this question with another question. GOD Said, "Let US make MAN in OUR IMAGE LIKENESS." When you think of GOD's LIKENESS, does it not include "Man's Maker" and "Creator of the UNIVERSE?"
When Jesus of Nazareth went around curing people, he explained that the cures were due to one's own faith. He never took credit for any of these miracles. Either he was just being modest or he was lying. Or, he was being precise. Maybe he didn't really do anything. Maybe all he did was let the universe become realized through him.
Just remember, Jesus wasn't the only one to cure, bring people back from the dead, or walk on water. So, what is your own personal potential?
Yes, to some of you, this may seem blasphemous of sacreligious. You may even remember Satan's original seduction to Eve, "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
Be clear on the point here. There is a difference between being "LIKE GOD" and Being "ONE WITH GOD."
"If you have seen me, you have seen the FATHER also." - Jesus
"I am GOD" - Mejer Baba, Krishna, and others.
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