Meditation Mantra - Doership vs Creating Changing Effortlessly - Part 2
Meditation - Doership vs Creating Changing Effortlessly Unlimited Miraculous Power - Part 2
If you want more examples of where you can find doership and its karma, its all over the bible. GOD never claimed to create the world. He just said, "Let there be..." It was MOSES who said, "In the beginning GOD Created the..." When Moses produced water from the thirsty Exodus Jews he was comdemned by GOD for saying, "Is it from this rock that [WE] AARON AND I produce water?"
The idea is not to do things to the best of your power. The idea is the let the universe's power simply flow through your life. "Do not lean upon your own understanding, trust in GOD with all your heart" - Solomon. This way, you'll get more done.
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