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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Meditation - What is the Purpose?

What's the purpose of Meditation? Is the purpose of meditation to be more spiritual? It is to lower your cholesterol level? Is it to metaphysically bring about world peace?

Well, asking "what is the purpose of meditation," is like asking what is the purpose of a flower. You may come up with a dozen answers but the true purpose of a flower is not to attract bees or produce pollen or even look pretty. Can a flower attract more bees or make more pollen or look prettier by trying to do these things? What if the flower tried really hard?

All of these things a flower does is simply because it is a flower. To produce these results, a flower does not work. A flower simply goes deeper into being a flower and these wonderful results just happen. Haven't you seen a desperate man or woman trying hard to find their soul mate? Doesn't work does it? In other words, The only purpose of a flower is to be a flower. Everything else takes care of itself.

So, if you want a soul mate, dont go OUT trying to get one. Go DEEPER into being YOU. Be and the soul mate will magically appear.

No wonder, Jesus of Nazareth said, "Not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these [flowers of the field]."

So, whatever your reason is for starting to meditate. The first step in achieving that goal is to abandon the goal. Well, more precisely, abandon the ATTACHMENT to the GOAL. Desire is fine. But what ever you do, do it for IT. Not for it's fruit. The fruit takes care of its self.

When was the last time your dropped something and TRIED to make it go downward? Same thing applys here. You do your part. You just let go and the way the universe is built, it will do the rest. Whatever your goals may be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how does this compare with what is said in the bible?

9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how does this compare to the bible?

9:20 AM  

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