Meditation Mantra - Self Realization or Enlightenment - How To Get Into Nirvana and Heaven
Meditation - Self Realization or Enlightenment - How To Get Into Nirvana and Heaven
Most x-tians know that Jesus said, "flesh and blood cannot enter into the kingdom of the heavens." And you've all heard that yes, "everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die."
Well, what if you could go to heaven without dying? As to whether this is possible or not, I will leave this up to you to decide. But tasting and experiencing heaven or the Kingdom of GOD is indeed possible with your whole body intact.
The idea is that "the kingdom of GOD is WITHIN (AMONG) YOU [already.]" Nirvana is like a light that we've put under a basket so that we can neither see it nor be enlightened by it. So, in the case of this candle, all you have to do is remove the veil of the basket.
So the same applies with the KINGDOM OF GOD, HEAVEN, NIRVANA, ENLIGHTMENT, SELF Realization and so on. Just remove the veil and you'll find the light. So what is the veil?
Here's a list from the Bhagavad Gita:
Aversion towards sense objects, absence of ego, constant reflection on the agony and suffering inherent in birth, old age, disease, and death. (13.08) Detachment, non-fondness with son, wife, and home; unfailing equanimity upon attainment of the desirable and the undesirable; and (13.09)
Here's Jesus' List:
Luke 25:14 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. 27 And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
At this point most people past and present just toss up their arms and call this lunacy. That is precisely the effect these Krishna and Jesus were after. Those who are ready to understand and move toward enlightenment realize that neither of these meant to HATE your family members. After all, Jesus instructed that you must LOVE your ENEMY. So it wouldnt make any sense to hate your family now would it?
What does this mean then? Jumping straight to the conclusion may be a bit jarring so let's create an interim thought. How long does your most beloved family member stay around? If that person is your Mother, then she will be around for you for about 50 years. Some turtles will out live that time span. If it's your son, then your body will likely sever your relationship with him in about 50 years. Many trees are just starting to hit their prime before this relationship is broken. So these most beloved people are temporary are they not?
That was a trick question. These people are NOT temporary. Their IDENTITIES are TEMPORARY. If you initially answered the above question by saying, "forever," then you know what i mean. What do you love more, the candle or the basket?
For anyone to be fine with the concept of hating their family members, they'd either understand that there is nothing of any substance in the SHELL of MOTHER or FATHER OR SON OR DAUGHTER, or they could use some serious counseling. Krishna and Jesus were creating a shocking way of helping us see the difference between the one we love vs THEIR IDENTITY as MOM or DAD or SON or DAUGHTER.
Do you see it now? If Jesus condemned those who claim to "love GOD whom they cannot see when they do not love their brother whom they can see," The hate must not be a hate of the PERSON but rather the attachment to the IDENTITY of that Person.
Do you see how loving that PERSON, that SOUL and SPIRIT can be sooooo much deeper than loving their Identity?
Is it any wonder why wives complain of not being loved and husbands complain about not being respected when their mates are trying as hard as they can? It just may be because you are sending the love to the basket and not the candle.
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