Meditation Mantra - Bhagavad Gita vs. Bible and Krishna vs. Jesus
The Supreme Lord said: You grieve for those who are not worthy of grief, and yet speak the words of wisdom. The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. (2.11)
When Jesus was told that Lazarus was dead, he did not shed a tear.
Just as the Atma acquires a childhood body, a youth body, and an old age body during this life, similarly Atma acquires another body after death. The wise are not deluded by this. (See also 15.08) (2.13)
"on the day of ones death, his thoughts do perish and his spirit goes out [to somewhere else]" - Ec.
The unwise who delight in flowery words (or the chanting of the Vedas without understanding the real meaning) stress Karma-Kaanda, the ritualistic aspect of the Vedas, O Arjuna, and say that there is nothing else (except material enjoyment). (2.42)
"they imagine they will get a hearing from GOD because they use many words (re prayer)" - Jesus
Human beings are bound by Karma (or works) other than those done as Yajna. Therefore, O Arjuna, do your duty efficiently as a service or Seva to Me, free from attachment to the fruits of work. (3.09) (Yajna means sacrifice, selfless service, unselfish work, Seva, meritorious deeds, giving away something to others, and a religious rite in which oblation is offered to gods through the mouth of fire.) + Dedicating all works to Me in a spiritual frame of mind, free from desire, attachment, and mental grief, do your duty. (3.30)
"what ever it is that you are doing, work at it whole souled as the the lord."
O Arjuna, there is nothing in the three worlds (earth, heaven, and the upper regions) that should be done by Me, nor there is anything unobtained that I should obtain, yet I engage in action. (3.22)
"I keep working until now even as my FATHER keeps working." - Jesus
Kaama, the passionate desire for all sensual and material pleasures, becomes anger if it is unfulfilled. As the fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror by dust, and as an embryo by the amnion, similarly the Self-knowledge gets obscured by Kaama. (3.38)
"The Sons of GOD began to see how beautiful the daughters of men are and took wives for themselves" - Moses
Arjuna said: You were born later, but Vivasvaan was born in ancient time. How am I to understand that You taught this yoga in the beginning (of the creation)? (4.04)
"before Abraham was, I am" - Jesus
One who does all work as an offering to the Lord, abandoning attachment to the results, is as untouched by sin (or Karmic reaction) as a lotus leaf is untouched by water. (5.10)
"I do nothing of my own accord but everything out of the will of My FATHER who sent me." - Jesus
Thus, by always keeping the mind fixed on the Self, the yogi whose mind is subdued attains peace of the Supreme nirvana by uniting with Me. (6.15)
"My FATHER, Let these be one with US as I am ONE with YOU" - Jesus during his last supper.
Supreme bliss comes to a Self-realized yogi whose mind is tranquil, whose desires are under control, and who is free from sin (or faults). (6.27)
"In order to enter into the kingdom of heavens, You must be perfect even as I am perfect." - Jesus
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